Sunday, December 19, 2010
Feliz Navidad!
Saturday, December 04, 2010
A Friendly Visit
Two of my friends from Bible school came to visit last night! It was a quick surprise, and it was so good to see them again. We hadn't seen each other in 5 years--and we've all covered a lot of ground in that amount of time. Alicia got married a few years ago to a world-renowned jump roper & has traveled around the world, and Amanda is on her first furlough from Thailand. She just finished studying the language a few months ago, and is heading into a tribe when she returns in January. They were only here for the night & half of today before heading out so Amanda could share in church tomorrow. Thanking God for a visit from friends!!
Hope you're doing well--have a great week!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving Turkeys
His mommy & I went shopping at 9pm at the outlets & found some great sales--the lines weren't even bad yet. And it certainly beat waking up early to go on Friday!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
3 Girls & A Dog
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Another Busy Weekend
Monday, October 11, 2010
Picture Day
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Shout with joy to the Lord,
all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness,
Come before Him with joyful song.
Know that the Lord is God,
He made us and we are His.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Yay, It's the Weekend!
Thursday night: Local high school volleyball game (one of the girls in my youth group plays)
Friday night: Local high school football game (it was pretty amazing, and worth going to, and the girl in the band from my youth group did great)
Sunday morning, I went to English church at the same building, did Sunday school, church service, & lunched at Pizza Hut (& ran into an old friend from when I was a student here!) I got home just in time to show up late to a surprise birthday party--I figured, "surprise, I showed up!" worked just as well. Then I went home & rested my eyes for 8 minutes (did I mention it was a busy weekend?!) Then I got ready to go to a concert:
So this morning, I thought I'd try something new in Toddlers. Something I've loved for many years now, and thought maybe the kids would appreciate, too:
Yea. Right.
Someone offered up a dolly...
I asked for a blankey...can you see the little piece of material on my feet?
I asked for a bottle, and got a dolly bottle...
Then came the ATTACK OF THE CWOCODILES MISS CARRIE!!! You should be afraid. You can probably tell from my face that the attack actually did hurt a bit--but I was also confused about "Is he red or white?" from one of the kids...and I happen to know that all our cwocodiles are gween...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Please Take a Moment
UPDATE--Hannah won the contest! Praise God! Please continue to pray for her & her family as they go through this difficult time.
Hannah, 12, and her family just moved to the Missionary Training Center here in Missouri over the summer. Just before school began this semester, she was diagnosed with a serious medical condition which requires a bone marrow transplant. The family's medical bills are quickly adding up, and there is a way you can help. (Well, two ways really, because obviously, prayer is the most important way!) Mike's Chair, a Christian band, has decided to do a charity concert, and they are leaving it up to their listeners to decide who of the top three videos should receive the donations. You may have heard about this on Christian radio--it's been talked about for a few weeks now. You can go to this website to vote for the video that Hannah's four sisters made.
CLICK HERE TO VOTE (Scroll down and look along the right side of the page.)Thanks for your time to vote, and for your prayers for Hannah & her family!
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
...I wish I could say I taught her one of the hymns, but, no, I introduced MacDonald's elephant...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Roles in Missions
Do you see...
...David Livingstone, whose heart belonged to Africa?
...inner-city ministries?
...a few weeks in another country?
...or someone you know personally?
This week on campus, there is a conference being held: Field Ministries Week. This is a chance for the students, staff, and visitors to hear first hand about New Tribes' mission work around the world. Since I'm in childcare during the mornings, I'm not able to go to most of the meetings, but this afternoon I was able to attend a one hour session. It was great to hear about the work God is doing in Africa and Latin America. I wanted to share two quotes with you from this afternoon.
The second quote has more to do with the roles of missionaries. The list above includes many different types of missions. There is no "correct" answer, so long as all on the list are guided by God. Here is one more aspect to mission work:
Missions work is not solely about tribal missions, VBS, inner-city kids, translating scripture (the list is long!) Missions work is about bringing people to the point where they can thrive in their relationship with the Lord, which is so much more than just the Gospel presentation.
How can you help people to thrive in their relationship with the Lord? Start praying now about how God wants to use YOU!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
With a Sad Heart
Please pray fervently for the victims of child abuse in NTM. Pray for healing for them and pray for justice. The horror of the abuse and the failure of NTM to act when this came to light has brought me to tears.
“At the request of NTM and with the consent of the former students of the NTM school for missionary children in Senegal, GRACE conducted a review of the situation at the school in the 1980s. They presented their report to NTM and the former students on Monday [August 23, 2010].
Individuals in our organization abused children. People in leadership at the time were culpable through inadequate screening and training, creating an atmosphere of legalism and autocracy, and not addressing the abuse properly. This means that we as an organization are responsible and have sinned against these students.
True repentance, as the GRACE report points out, will be seen in our actions, and we pledge to act. Our current leaders are reviewing the recommendations in the report, and will meet with GRACE this week so we can fully understand them and move forward in the right way.” -NTM
Please pray for the victims of the abuse, the people in GRACE who have conducted this report so thoroughly, and the leaders and members of NTM. Thank you for your prayers.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thomas & Didymus
The Toddler Room

To looking like this!
This morning was our first day in class. We had 9 kids show up, ranging from 1 year & 9 months up to 3 years old. It's quite an age range when you see them in person! They all did great, we hardly had any tears, and some of the kids weren't ready to go home when their parents showed up!
Thank you for your prayers for them!
Monday, August 02, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
"They pray to cows"
This question is one of the main ideas that are confronted at NTM's Missionary Training Center (MTC). During the three semesters here, students learn that you cannot merely learn the language of a people group without learning the culture. This is why we struggle in a "classroom" type language study in high school. It becomes even more apparent when you are learning the language.
For example, when I was in Mexico, I had much more to do than learn the language. I could easily learn the words--that is simply memorization and pronunciation. But in order to communicate--which is much deeper than speaking words!--I had to know the culture of the person I was talking with. I had to learn how to talk to the waitress at the restaurant: in the U.S. we rarely raise our hand to signal the waitress to come to us for help, we may make eye contact or nod in her direction, subtly "asking" for her to come to our table. In contrast, the Mexican waitress may not revisit you (as you take the biggest bite off your plate like so often happens here) unless you signal to her with your hand. Neither waitress is correct or wrong--it is just a difference. One way that we simulate this experience here at the MTC is through a class called "Dobu." A handful of our staff on campus dress up like the Dobu people of Papua New Guinea simulating their language and culture. This week I had the opportunity to guide some youth from a local youth retreat through the Dobu village. It was fun to see students who, though they have a language and culture of their own, felt so strange in another culture that they were speechless for a few moments. Their manner of greeting was obviously not the correct way--in fact, none of the students in my groups tried to shake hands with the Dobu men. Each group had around twenty minutes to build a relationship with our tribal person, and to try to learn some of their thoughts on gods, prayer, and good versus evil.
Please pray for the many missionaries heading overseas for the first time this summer. They will be hit on the tarmac by waves of heat, humidity, smells, and culture. They struggle often on a daily basis with these changes that are so different from their own customs.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Did You Know?
...which I'm planning to be much more frequent in the coming year!
Friday, July 16, 2010
This Old House
Don't worry! It's my house from 2007:

There are a lot of changes being made on campus, and one of them was to tear down the 500-600 row of student housing. The main reason is to make room for a larger, all-purpose building. The maintenance team on campus is in charge of leveling out the ground, and changing the infrastructure to allow for a larger building. They've been hard at work this summer. Please keep them in your prayers as they are working in hot weather to get th
Saturday, July 10, 2010
En Casa

Now that I'm home, it's unpacking & hitting the ground running. I still have paperwork to "translate" from one phonetic alphabet to another for the Linguistics Department. I need to choose a paint & paint the Toddler Room. And then just the little things around the house (like cleaning it up after 4 weeks of sitting!)
Thank you for your prayers as I traveled around the eastern U.S. I'll send a better update soon!
Monday, July 05, 2010
How Far Behind Am I?
The past three weeks contained a lot of visiting & driving. I saw cousins in Indiana, family & friends in central Pennsylvania, family in southern Pennsylvania, and friends in West Virginia. I saw elk, exploded a soda-Mentos (above), & shared in three churches.
I'm now on my way to Wisconsin to see friends. It will be over four years until I see them again, because they are heading to Asia to serve & I am heading to Paraguay. It could be a long time before I see them!
Thank you for your continued prayers during this trip!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Heading to PA
Friday, June 11, 2010
Task 1
This weekend is very full. Thursday morning I started out mowing a playground on campus. By 11am I was cleaned up & helping at the NTM-Crossover registration tent on campus. I finished there at 7 :30pm, and went to see Caleb Rowden, Finding Bethel, and heard Gracia Burnham speak. Home at 9pm & in bed shortly after!!
Friday morning registration started at 8am, and I left at 1:30pm to head to the chiropractor. Picked up some oil & a filter to have my oil changed tomorrow. For dinner I'll be eating with a friend and her mom. They're from Korea, and I will be having my first real Korean meal!
Saturday holds another 8am-3pm registration time and getting a friend to change the oil in my car. Sunday holds church, and packing up for 3 weeks in Pennsylvania. Monday morning I begin the 16 hour drive to Jersey Shore!
I hope you have a great grace-filled weekend!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
"The Zoo"
Next time, we'll leave earlier for the zoo!!!
(And maybe go on a non-rainy day.)