Saturday, October 02, 2010

Sometimes...'s like herding cats

Here are eight of our nine kids. I told them to "come stand up here" to do their memory verse for one of our helpers this week. In my head I briefly envisioned eight cute little toddlers lined up in a neat row in from of the bench I was sitting on. My visions were quickly adapted to "please everyone participate this time!" The kids are learning Psalm 100, and they are into verse three already!

Psalm 100
Shout with joy to the Lord,
all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness,
Come before Him with joyful song.
Know that the Lord is God,
He made us and we are His.

Hopefully by the end of the semester they'll have the entire 6 verses memorized, and you can see a video of it! Well, if they choose to participate that is... :-)

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