Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Series of Firsts:

So, the other day when my refrigerator arrived, I kept thinking of those little ornaments that say "Baby's First Christmas." A little ridiculous, but buying an appliance was a big step for me--I'm not sure I've bought any "appliances" before other than a hair dryer! I anticipated that one of the most overwhelming parts of coming to Paraguay would be truly setting up a house--not a dorm, not a temporary rental, but buying appliances & furniture that will be mine for a long time. And I was right.

My first meal in my new house. My neighbor, who shares the kitchen window with me, had just left & stuck her head back through the window to ask me a question--and caught me taking a picture of my soup! She thought it was funny, but I'm sure in a few years she'll understand.

My baby refrigerator. It's now happily covered in prayer cards & pictures.

My first gecko--well, the first time I've discovered I share a bureau with a gecko. He's probably still in there...guess I'll just have to check my clothes & especially my shoes when I put them on!

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