Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I want to tell you about one of my students. Each day we go outside to ride bikes (or tractors, or whatever is available to sit-n-scoot!) Today we only had four of our nine students in class. I overheard one of our older ones humming a song that I thought was familiar, and as I hummed along, I recognized "...Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow..." I sang some of the words, and one of the other teachers was singing it, too. Then our little 3 year old joined in on the chorus! We teachers got distracted with other students, and soon I heard the words change: "How wonderful, how marvelous, is my Savior's love for me!" As I was reveling in the well-rounded 3 year old before me, she pedaled off, changing tunes again at the top of her lungs: "OLD MACDONALD HAD AN ELEPHANT, E-I-E-I-OOOO, WITH A PPPPFFFTTTT HERE!!!!"

...I wish I could say I taught her one of the hymns, but, no, I introduced MacDonald's elephant...


Karen Turnbo said...

:) That's so precious!!

Melissa G said...

It blessed my heart to hear her singing those hymns. Totally made my day! =)