Sunday, January 18, 2009

Learning a Language... a lot like filling up a Tonka truck with a shovel!  

During the past two weeks, I have had many people ask, "How is your Spanish?"  Well.  My Spanish has not improved much--but my comprehension has!  By learning through immersion, I am learning much like a child does.  I am hearing everything, and very slowly learning the words I am hearing.  Think about a child you've seen grow up; he did not speak immediately!   Babies listen for around a year before beginning to speak.  Thankfully, I will not have to wait that long.  In the next few weeks I will begin learning more words--and their meanings--and gaining the ability to form these new sounds with my mouth.  Please pray for me during this time, that I will be patient: "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry" (James 1:19).  This time can be frustrating because I don't know what is going on around me, and it is difficult to communicate.  Pray that I will quickly comprehend and gain the ability to speak Spanish fluently and correctly!


Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Aah! There's the picture. :) I like his shadow! haha

Carrie said...

Funny, I never noticed the shadow! It looks like the Summit Yanomamo man! :-) With a shovel, of course.

Terry Wilson said...

Buena suerte con el aprendizaje de español.

Online Spanish translators are cool :>)