This is our class at the Pancho Villa Museum:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Did you know...
Did you know that by clicking on the "Comment" link at the bottom of each post, you can leave a comment? Let me know what you think about the posts & pictures I put up, and you can make requests of what you would like to see or know about life in Chihuahua, Mexico.
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This blog is to serve you and keep you informed about my life and progress here, and I want to do the best I can to make it work for YOU!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Oh The Things You Will See
Things I saw on the way to Wal-Mart yesterday:
-Home Depot
-Office Depot
-Sam's Club
-Burger King
"And to think that I saw them..." in Mexico!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Learning a Language... a lot like filling up a Tonka truck with a shovel!
During the past two weeks, I have had many people ask, "How is your Spanish?" Well. My Spanish has not improved much--but my comprehension has! By learning through immersion, I am learning much like a child does. I am hearing everything, and very slowly learning the words I am hearing. Think about a child you've seen grow up; he did not speak immediately! Babies listen for around a year before beginning to speak. Thankfully, I will not have to wait that long. In the next few weeks I will begin learning more words--and their meanings--and gaining the ability to form these new sounds with my mouth. Please pray for me during this time, that I will be patient: "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry" (James 1:19). This time can be frustrating because I don't know what is going on around me, and it is difficult to communicate. Pray that I will quickly comprehend and gain the ability to speak Spanish fluently and correctly!
Downtown Chihuahua
Today, Louisa, Tanya, Jason, and I went on a trolley tour to see the history of Chihuahua. Louisa, as a Chihuahuense, was our official tour guide for the day.

First we went through all the stores.
Then we saw a musical group.
This cathedral took 96 years to build!
This "angel" behind us is like our Statue of Liberty to Chihuahua.
This is inside the building where Hidalgo was killed,
and a flame shines in memory of him.
More pictures to come of our special "downtown Chihuahua" food, that you have to eat when you go downtown.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Mi Casa
Friday, January 16, 2009
...I am an "auntie" again! My very good friends Geoff and Melissa were blessed with Ethan Daniel Gill last night at 11 PM. Congratulations dear friends!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Step 1: Warm-Up

This week & next, we are officially in "warm-up" stage. This means that we're not speaking very much Spanish right now--mostly listening. This is not difficult, as I am in a dorm with three Spanish speakers! Our class schedule is sort of on a daily basis right now, so each day we figure out what the next will look like. Warm-up is a time to become accustomed to new sounds and culture aspects, and to be willing to make mistakes. (Email if you'd like to hear some fun mistakes...) One student today said, "The peace of God has fried my brain!" This is so true!! My "normal" is to have my life planned out to the nth degree, yet this week, God has provided the peace to be in "warm-up." Praise Him with me this week for His peace which DOES pass all understanding, continued good health, and good relationships with my dorm mates.
For His glory,
Monday, January 05, 2009
Some Pictures
Sunday, January 04, 2009
We made it safely into Chihuahua around 1PM mountain time Saturday. I am living in the Mexican Bible school dorm with 2 Spanish-speakers & 1 English-speaker. I am finding my Spanish-English dictionary very helpful; I was able to have a slow "conversation" with one of my roommates this morning over breakfast. She is 23, is from Chihuahua, & likes tea. I'll post pictures soon of my view & house. :-)
Thursday, January 01, 2009
El Paso
We arrived tonight after 12 hours of driving today--27 hours total for me, 35 hours for Jason. Needless to say, we're ready to be out of the truck for a while!
Well, we've had a great time in Shreveport--all 12 hours of it. We'll be back on the road shortly, for another 12 hours of driving. We've been able to rest up here & get good sleep--while spending time with great friends, eating great food, and shooting off fireworks! We covet your prayers as we get back into the truck to continue driving to El Paso. More later!
Love Carrie
Love Carrie
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