What's a language session?
Good point!
First of all, the "why". For the next six weeks, I will be in "Live Language Practicum" learning Spanish. This is a time for me to learn the process of learning a language. I also am already being encouraged by how much can be learned with the process of learning I am being taught.
Second, the "who". I'm paired up with my classmate Elisabeth Poarch. You may recognize her name from teaching CEF last year. It's nice to be with someone I have worked with in the past. Together we go to Alexa's house each day. Alexa is an MK (Missionary Kid) from Mexico. She moved there when she was 6, so Spanish comes easily to her as a second language.
Thirdly, the "how". Each day we spend two hours with Alexa. Friday we worked on nouns. One of the ways we learned to acquire the language is by pointing--in fact, that is all we are allowed to do for 3 weeks! We took 12 items with us and laid them out on the table. We would learn them one at a time, then have her quiz us. Believe it or not, we were comprehending by the end of our session 30 nouns and a handful of daily expressions.
Our days have been incredibly switched around, as we are in a new phase for these six weeks. A day for me starts early, and by 8:00 I am at chapel. At 9, Elisabeth and I spend one hour planning for the next day's session. I review from 10-12. After lunch, I prepare for going to the language sessions from 1:30-3:30. When I get back, it takes about an hour to put our information we learned and recorded into the software created just for this purpose. After that I'm "free" to go to meetings, youth group, or to spend time with friends.
Please pray for me during these six weeks that I would spend my time wisely and grow in the Lord. Pray also for our interactions with Alexa as we are coming into her life during a busy time for her.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
PS--A picture from the Fall Festival with the youth group on campus...