Okay, so we won't really be picking lice out of each other's hair for two weeks. (Maybe only one!) We actually do have a "rain or shine" schedule that we will keep--and right now the 10 day forecast calls for rain nearly everyday. I won't have access to the internet or email after Monday afternoon, so I wanted to give you a heads up as to what we will be doing each day.
Monday afternoon: Move up to Jungle Camp
Tuesday: Settling in
1/2 the camp goes on a canoe trip
Wednesday: Hair Cutting Class
1/2 the camp goes on a canoe trip (my day to go!)
Thursday: Maps/Compass Class
Mens' over night hike
Friday: All camp hike
Saturday: free
Sunday: Individual Base "Church"
Monday: Study Day
Tuesday: Study Day
Wednesday: Study Day
Thursday: Gun safety/Maintenance
Shooting contest
Friday: Pig Roast/Game day
Saturday: Open House
Sunday: Open House
Monday: Move down
As you can see, we will be kept busy! This is going to be an exciting time, but stretching also. I don't enjoy water very much, so I'm not too sure about the canoe trip. The hike will be fun--as long as I don't get lost again! During the three study days we are required to log 24 hours of study time and preparation for future meetings. The pig roast...well, this little piggy didn't go to market. We're getting it straight from the farm. Open House is two days that anyone can come visit Jungle Camp to see us or our houses. This is also the first time we'll have "outside food" such as pizza or ice cream.
Thanks so much for being in prayer with me for jungle camp. I truly am looking forward to it, and knowing you will be praying me through it is encouraging!