Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving Day
This Thursday, I had the blessing of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for my good friends from church. We had a fun time cooking all day, then had a late dinner (8pm). It was great to spend time with them, and fun to be able to cook a traditional American meal for them. They had never celebrated Thanksgiving before, but they decided they want to make it their own tradition in their family! :-)
And the after picture! Ruben getting ready to carve Pablo.
Traditional Thanksgiving food
The funny thing, was that they didn't know how to "serve" their plates. They didn't know what went where, and what was supposed to go with what. After some coaching, they did great, and went back for seconds when they knew they liked the food!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Revolution Day Parade
November 20th is Revolution Day in Mexico, and there was a huge parade to honor the day. We were just down the road from the state governor, so there was a LOT of security nearby! Many of the schools have students walk to represent them, and in a city of nearly 1 million, that equals one BIG PARADE!

There were a lot of dancers!
These kids re-enacted a battle scene between the peasants and the military.
"Pancho Villa"--the only man to ever invade the U.S.
Father Hidalgo: Initiated the Revolution early when the military discovered the plans. 

I'm hoping I'll be able to get a video of one of the dances on here. Hope you enjoyed the Revolution Day Parade!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Some Miscellaneous--3 weeks...
A few weeks ago, some friends and I went for dinner at a churrascaria. This is a Brasilian-style restaurant, where meat is brought on a spit, and freshly carved onto your plate. It's great!

Next week, I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for some of my Mexican friends. Do you have any special Thanksgiving traditions? My family doesn't have any in particular other than EATING! So, I will do my best to pass this tradition on to my Mexican friends! :-)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
4 Weeks...
Today is Tuesday. In four weeks, I will be finishing up packing and saying goodbyes to leave Mexico. It's hard to believe how quickly the past ten months have flown by. These next four weeks will be very busy as I continue to study Spanish, pushing new aspects of Spanish grammar, and getting my things sold or packed. The To Do list seems to keep growing rather than shrinking!
In the past two weeks, I have begun trying to learn two new verb tenses. Do you remember learning "Perfect" tenses? I'm doing present perfect and past perfect (ie--I have eaten and I had eaten). These are fairly easy to learn, because I only have to change the helping verb. Over the weekend I was able to spend quite a bit of time with Spanish-speaking friends, and they were as excited as I was when I heard the new verb tenses. God has blessed me with great friends here, who get excited with me as I learn new things!
Prayer Requests:
1--Time Management: I have a lot to do in four weeks time.
2--Spanish Study: My Spanish study will be wrapping up in early December, but I am NOT done! I'll have about another year when I get to Paraguay, and I don't want to lose what I already have learned while I am in Missouri.
3--Farewells & Transitions: I'll be saying goodbye to many good friends here in Mexico, and don't know when I'll be back down to visit them. Pray also for the transition to the U.S., as I will have been here 11 months. My 'normal' now consists of Mexican daily things, and everything will change again as I head back to the U.S. Pray for a good transition back.
4--Walk with the Lord: That during this time of change, I will keep my eyes on the Lord.
Thank you so much for taking these requests boldly before the throne of GRACE!
Monday, November 09, 2009
This weekend was the Hot Air Balloon Festival here in Chihuahua. I got to go with Judit, Sarai, and Raul. We had a great time watching them set up the balloons and taking a lot of pictures. I guess we looked like we knew what we were doing with our cameras, because two different families came up to us to say they didn't know how to make their cameras work. We all wanted the balloons, and many of us wanted to be in a photo or two with the balloons. In the dark, that was pretty difficult! With the flash you could see every dust speck in the air, and there were certainly a lot! :-)

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