Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Roller Coaster

I waited in line for what seemed like hours
Snaking back and forth with many others
During the wait, some fell away
I stayed in line, watching the others before me
Get into the car, strap in and start off
Time after time, the cars return
And new people take off
When finally it's my turn
My nerves start up, my stomach reacts
I head towards the car and step in
I sit down, buckle the safety belt
And I look ahead
All that is before me is a dark tunnel
I see no end, I see no turns
Will we go up?  Will we go down?
To the left?  To the right?
The motor starts up
And we inch forward
With expectations and hopes.

 Please be praying during the next few weeks.  I'll be visiting with friends and we'll have many opportunities to talk about what God may have for us in the future.  Would you please keep us in mind?